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The Bahamas remain open for boaters and private fliers


The Bahamas remain open to private international flights and charters, as well as private pleasure craft and yachts from all countries.

Recently announced restrictions apply only to incoming international commercial flights and commercial vessels carrying passengers outside of certain exempted countries as of July 22.  Commercial flights from United Kingdom, Canada and the bloc of countries that comprise the European Union are still permitted.

Currently travel from the U.S. is permissible to all of The Islands of The Bahamas with the exception of Grand Bahama.  Grand Bahama is closed to all in-bound or out-bound travel, domestic and international, with the exception of emergency and essential purposes.

The Association of Bahamas Marinas, a group consisting of marina owners and operators, identified that numerous media outlets had been reporting incomplete/inaccurate reporting of the latest travel restrictions to The Bahamas as ordered by Bahamas Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis.

Erroneous reporting of a “travel ban” by news outlets throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe following the Prime Minister’s announcement produced large numbers of cancellation to hotels, marinas and vacation rental companies.

Extensive protocols were developed and implemented by the Bahamas government with the aid and support of the Association of Bahamas Marinas to insure the most rigid compliance with health and safety standards were created and enforced by the tourism sector to insure the safety and well-being of visitors and local residents.  These protocols were successfully tested and implemented effective June 15, 2020, two full weeks prior to the country fully reopening date of July 1, 2020.

Maintaining this model of health and safety for inbound and outbound travel, The Bahamas remains open to the private boat and air community.  As the peak boating summer boating season is in full swing, we are able to ensure this portion of the Bahamian tourism economy can survive this global pandemic.

For more information, please contact Mr. Basil Smith, Executive Director at or visit the Association of Bahamas Marinas website at

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